Technical Details:
- The size of this pack is +/- 55 MB
- You will download a "Library" (.X8L) and a "User" (.X8U) file so you can choose in which memory part of your keyboard you will add the data (Library Slot or User Memory)
- In order to use this Expansion Sound Library with your MONTAGE M/Plus/6/7/8 you must have the latest firmware V3.50 update installed.
The sound library may not work as expected with older firmware.
ModX users can add the Expansion Sound Library without problem with older firmware, but latest firmware (V2.51) is always recommended.
- I know that this pack NOT compatible with other keyboards except MONTAGE M/Plus/6/7/8 - MODX Plus/6/7/8!!!
Tested and works fine on Montage & ModX with the latest firmware